3/4 |
all very mesmerizing, for them and us."
Chicago Tribune
Posted Jun 18,
My Summer of Love
(2005) |
91% |

2.5/4 |
expect the inside scoop so much as an unsatisfying
slice of life." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Jun 11,
Lipstick & Dynamite: The First
Ladies of Wrestling
(2004) |
63% |

2.5/4 |
when Walk on Water doesn't quite have you by
the heart, its little fingers fumble around in your
brain." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Mar 17,
Walk on Water
(2005) |
72% |

2/4 |
but clumsy, it's a movie to appreciate rather than
to be engaged by." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Dec 9, 2004
Brother to Brother
(2004) |
75% |

1/4 |
you're stumped for a way to commemorate the feast of
St. Therese of Lisieux Friday, there's little point
in going to see the low-budget, one-star-worthy
hagiography, Therese." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Sep 30,
(2004) |
11% |

2/4 |
little better or worse than the original. But, to be
honest, the original -- minus its nascent stars --
wasn't very good." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Aug 26,
Anacondas: The Hunt for the
Blood Orchid (2004) |
26% |

1.5/4 |
and repetitive." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Aug 12,
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie
(2004) |
4% |

3.5/4 |
who feels like they're drowning in their own
polluted, godless, reality-TV-choked, errand-ridden
consumerist life will find a momentary escape from
modernity in The Story of the Weeping Camel."
Chicago Tribune
Posted Jun 17,
The Story of the Weeping Camel
(2004) |
95% |

2/4 |
more like a 'making-of' piece or vanity project for
actor and first-time director Robin Shou ... than a
tight, thorough documentary." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Apr 1, 2004
Red Trousers
(2003) |
25% |

3/4 |
because of its amazingly well-documented milieu,
which German-trained writer-director Li Yang filmed
on location in the northern provinces."
Chicago Tribune
Posted Mar 25,
Blind Shaft
(2004) |
94% |

2/4 |
fans (i.e., the people who are most likely to buy
tickets) probably know a lot of this stuff already,
and they might be disappointed by the lack of drama
and the brevity of 3-D racing action."
Chicago Tribune
Posted Mar 11,
NASCAR: The Imax Experience
(2004) |
60% |

1.5/4 |
a juicy premise, but the enactment is so dumbed-down
that you couldn't possibly fault your jaded children
for yawning and rolling their eyes." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Feb 5, 2004
Catch That Kid
(2004) |
11% |

2.5/4 |
chuckle at least once during the proceedings -- but
probably not much more than that." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Jan 15,
Martin & Orloff
() |
47% |

2.5/4 |
a measured primer of talking heads and footage -- a
broad, slick Tibet 101 -- that it seems better
suited to the classroom than the big screen, despite
its Himalayan scenery and rustic colors."
Chicago Tribune
Posted Dec 11,
Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
(2003) |
87% |

2.5/4 |
earnest, low-budget indie Anything But Love
isn't quite the movie you'd like it to be, but it
provides some kicks, nonetheless." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Nov 20,
Anything But Love
(2003) |
36% |

1/4 |
a lot like two different Hancock jobs stitched
together." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Oct 30,
Suspended Animation
(2003) |
50% |

3/4 |
devastating work of pro-doggie propaganda."
Chicago Tribune
Posted Oct 9, 2003
Good Boy!
(2003) |
46% |

2.5/4 |
more likable than it is good. Still, it might leave
you feeling romantic (and romantic about your
particular city) even if it doesn't nail its case
for love in a psychopharmacological age."
Chicago Tribune
Posted Oct 9, 2003
(2003) |
53% |

2.5/4 |
film short-hands a lot of stuff, but it's gripping
for a while." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Sep 25,
(2003) |
46% |

2/4 |
undermarketed noir suffers because many of its
characters don't seem to belong in the same
universe." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Sep 20,
No Good Deed
(2002) |
20% |

1/4 |
just a watery, undeservedly smug update of the
low-budget, kids-stranded- in-the-sticks bloodfests
of the 1970s and '80s." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Sep 11,
Cabin Fever
(2003) |
63% |

1.5/4 |
is so uninteresting as a pivotal character that he's
a black hole who sucks away our investment in the
film." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Sep 4, 2003
Don't Tempt Me
(2003) |
38% |

1.5/4 |
movies don't have to make sense in the real world,
but when you have to help their internal logic along
this much, it's pretty much a cue for heckling -- or
checking your watch." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Aug 28,
Jeepers Creepers 2
(2003) |
21% |

2/4 |
a couple of memorable scenes, it's boring when it's
not kinky." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Jul 31,
O Fantasma
(2000) |
25% |

2/4 |
vivacious-looking, tartly-scored bore of a movie."
Chicago Tribune
Posted Jul 24,
Lucia, Lucia
(2003) |
45% |

2/4 |
the point of watching if everyone feels like a pawn
in a script?" --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Jul 17,
Km. 0
(2003) |
55% |

3/4 |
more-thoughtful -than-average film." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Jul 17,
How to Deal
(2003) |
28% |

2/4 |
could watch a heroine barrel into a messy romance
all day, provided that she's a lot less dopey than
this, but few of Michele's foibles make us
sympathize with her." --
Chicago Tribune
Posted Jul 10,
God Is Great, I'm Not
(2002) |
21% |
Rating |
Click here to read article --
Chicago NewCityNet
Posted May 7, 2002
The Awful Truth - The Complete
First Season (1999) |
71% |
