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Family Name 

The Timlin surname is an Irish-Gaelic name derived from  Mac Toimilin, the diminutive of Thomas.  It is associated with a family group of Cambro-Norman origin in North Mayo. (1) Cambro-Norman families arose after the successful invasion of Ireland in 1169 by Norman, Welsh, and Flemish forces. Since "Norman" refers to the Vikings or Norsemen who settled in France and "Cambro" describes Welsh or Celtic peoples, the genetic heritage of the early families would have been Viking-Celtic. With the passage of time, the new Irish rulers intermarried with the conquered population and the Norman culture and language was extinguished.

Fortunately for a family historian, this surname is not common. In 1996, there were only 80 Timlin families listed in Ireland’s phonebooks, and just 334 phone listings for Timlins in the US. All of these families are probably related to the original 12th century "sept", a small group of related families.

Irish Times Surname Index


Mac Toimilín,
Quite numerous: Galway-Mayo, Donegal-Tyrone. Ir. 

 dimin. of Thomas. A family of Welsh origin who became gaelicised in Mayo.
Tomilin Very rare: N Down. Ir. ? Mac Toimilín. See Timlin.

Tomlin rare: Dublin. Another diminutive of Thomas.

Tymlin rare: Dublin. Ir. Mac Toimilín. See Timlin.

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Since all Timlins probably have arisen from this family group,  we are probably related through some common ancestor.  Even if there is not a known connection, I would appreciate your posting me  jgfox39@aol.com   on your roots. 

 Timlin relationship not yet established ... Unknown at this point.