Fall River History
From Community Development Agency City of Fall River Website Jan/2002
From Community Development Agency City of Fall River Website
"Fall River today-the visible city-is the product of its own geography
and the first 70 years of growth, an era largely complete by 1875. Streets,
blocks, buildings and all, the city itself makes its own history clear and
comprehensible. It isnıt that growth and change have not gone on; they have for
the most part continued along the geographical (and architectural) patterns
established as Fall River grew into industrial importance more than a century
At the start of the 19th century, Fall River was one of the several small
villages of Freetown, MA. Less than a hundred inhabitants in 18 houses were all
that made the place a village and Fall River was quieter and less imposing than
its fellow hamlets along the Taunton River, Assonet and Steep Brook. Development
in the little community was hampered in part by the very characteristics that
later encouraged its industrial growth: the steep grade to the waterfront, and
its unprotected harbor discouraged the waterborne trade that nourished Assonet
and Steep Brook: the granite ledges beneath its surface limited the
possibilities for agricultural development. Pinched between the Watuppa Ponds
and Mount Hope Bay on the Taunton River, Fall River had no easy access to the
major centers of Newport or Providence to the west or New Bedford to the east.
Early roads connecting those
lively commercial places bypasses the little Hamlet in favor of easier paths
that avoided the ponds and the long swamps to the north. The only important
highway that passed through Fall River was the Boston-to-Newport turnpike which
traveled along South and North Main Streets through the village and out through
the Taunton Valley, paralleling the course of the river.
Access to its own natural hinder lands to the east of the Watuppa Ponds
was limited by the lack of convenient roads, so there was little encouragement
for commerce to overcome the difficulties of poor harbor and steep waterfront
In 1803, the southwest part of Freetown-todayıs Fall River and Steep Brook-was
set off at its own request from the mother town. The whole town was more than
eight miles long, the petitioners complained, and the villagers found it
difficult to get to town meetings. The new town hall was at first located in
Steep Brook, the ³metropolis² of the two villages; it wasnıt until 1836 that the
center of government was moved to Fall River.
A map that shows conditions as they were in 1812 delineates the little village
before its industrial development began in earnest. Perhaps 20 buildings
clustered around the junction of Main and Bedford streets. More houses were
strung out along Main Street, which ran some distance inland from the
undeveloped waterfront and was connected to it by streets and paths at only a
few points. There was a scatter of homesteads along Bedford Street (which
followed the path of the present Bedford Street, Quarry Street, and County
Streets to the narrows between the ponds); and a few more buildings stood widely
separated in the south part of the village.
To imagine Fall River as it was in those days, before the mills, the
mansions, and the tenements - think of a thin scatter of houses, barns and
buildings similar to those that stand today around the center of Assonet, but
fewer and less prosperous, for Fall River (Troy, as it was named from 1804 to
1834) did not have the far-flung trade on which Assonet grew comfortable.
A few of those very early Fall River houses still stand today, most of
them out along North Main street toward the still-distinct village of Steeple
Brook. They date from the mid to late 18th century and the early 19th century,
and their early owners and family names like Borden, Brightman, Hathaway, Davol.
But even as Troy Village
stood in the near-rural form recorded on the 1812 map, an economic shift was
beginning to alter longstanding patterns of local development. The
maritime-commercial trade that sustained Assonet as it sustained the greater
seaports of Boston, Salem, Newport and Providence was stagnated by the war of
1812. Afterwards, recovery was slow and incomplete. New York began to overshadow
New England commercially, while new attempts at manufacturing began to spur
development in places where rivers and streams offered power sufficient to turn
water wheels to operate machinery. With this shift, hilly Troy, with its stream
droppings in waterfalls more than 130 feet in a half-mile slope-Troy with its
sparse settlement and inconvenient, shallow harbor-had the advantage over
mercantile Assonet and its highway-connected rival Steep Brook.
The Quequechan River had been utilized for mills early in the 18th
century-according to local history there were saw, grist and fulling mills on
the south side of the stream by 1703. These small mills were the kind that stood
in every early town, though, operated solely to process local goods for village
consumption. These early mills were not industry.
When the census was taken in 1810, Fall River (including Steep Brook and
the eastern hinder lands) had more than 1000 inhabitants, though it was still
smaller than the rest of Freetown, including Assonet. In comparison, New Bedford
was more than 5000.
In 1811, the first cotton mill in todayıs Fall River was established. It
stood on the site of Father John Kelly Park on the east side of South Main
Street where Broadway meets Globe Street (the site was then in Rhode Island).
This mill was driven by a brook that emptied into a small pond near the
Two years later the Troy Mill, first of the great granite structures at
the foot of Quequechan River, was built and Fall Riverıs cotton spinning era had
begun in earnest. the end of the war in 1815 brought a flood of imported cotton
goods into the United states, but in spite of the setback, home manufacture was
established and was ready to flourish in New England.
The decade of the 1820ıs was a time of building and prosperity for Fall
River. The tumbling Quequechan River and a navigable harbor were the natural
resources that together determined growth, and merchants and farmers from the
Taunton River Valley were able to supply the capital needed to begin the
building. The Fall River Ironworks was founded in 1821; Town Hall symbolically
moved halfway to Troy from Steep Brook in 1825; and by 1834, when the custom
house was moved to the prospering town (renamed Fall River at the time), the
industrial pattern was set for the next half century of growth.
Beginning around 1820, Fall Riverıs population increased steadily, with
many newcomers drawn from areas around the Taunton Valley for factory jobs. The
village pattern began to emerge, and the residential area northeast of the old
town core at the ³four corners² of Bedford and Main Streets built up quickly
with handsome houses of the late Federal period. Many of these houses from the
earliest days of industry remain today, in the neighborhood of Cherry, Rock and
June Streets. Other structures from this era stand elsewhere in Fall River, but
the greatest concentration of them is, understandably, close to the historic
town center.
By the early 1840ıs
Fall River was fast becoming the major center in its valley, having surpassed
rivals Taunton, Freetown and Somerset, all greater and wealthier during the
earlier agricultural-maritime-commercial era. By 1842 Fall River citizens were
complaining to the state legislature that they could not compete with the
increasing foreign population-most of it Irish and English-willing to work in
the mills for wages lower than local laborers would accept.
By 1845 the Fall River mills were employing more than 2000 people. After
1845, Fall Riverıs status as an important town was recognized and solidified by
impressive improvements in its transportation system. Once bypassed by most of
the major land routes, and not distinguished by the excellence of its harbor,
Fall River had been a virtual backwater: accessible, but only with effort. In
1846, the railroad from Boston reached town, locating a terminal near the
waterfront between Central and Anawan streets. The next year saw the start of
the steamboat line between Fall River and New York, thus, at long last, Fall
River was finally connected with the mainstream of the northeastern
transportation network.
In the early part of this decade of intense growth and development, the
disastrous conflagration, still known locally as ³the great fire², consumed 20
acres between Borden and Franklin streets in the heart of the village. At 2:00pm
on a dry and windy Sunday in July, 1843, the fir was discovered; it was not
checked until it had destroyed all the village stores, ninety-five houses, a
factory, three churches, two hotels, two banks, the customs house, post office,
printing offices, and about seventy-five merchant shops: the center core of a
prospering town. It wiped out any first period structures that might have
remained in the early settlement area, it destroyed the residential section
(probably built with houses like those that still stand around the junction of
Cherry and June streets) closest to the village center.
With resilience typical of the mid-19th century, though, the Fall River
merchants and manufacturers quickly rebuilt the burnt district, raising blocks
of bricks and stone more substantially and elegant than the pre-fire wooden
buildings they replaced. Regrettably, most of the post-fire blocks from the
1840ıs have been lost, some through demolition, the rest in another fire in
1928. Just half of one brick block remains on North Main Street today, the north
end of the handsome Mount Hope Block, but in 1845 as a hotel.
Much of Fall Riverıs characteristic building dates from this decade
before mid-century. All of the early mills were along the Quequechan,
foundations firm on its granite bed, wheels suspended over the falling water.
With the mills and the river forming a strong east-west spine, Fall River was
not yet the elongated city of today, but a highly centralized one- the Main
street business section hugged the mill core closely, the residential districts
fanned the northeast and southeast from the old ³four corners².
This early pattern is still visible in places today: some of its
substantial Greek Revival houses still stand in the lower section of the
Highlands, primarily on Rock and High Streets to Walnut Street. Then south of
the Quequechan stands Corky Row, its predominant character created today by the
multi-family houses of the second half of the 19th century, but retaining a good
many smaller houses of late federal and Greek revival style from the 1830ıs and
40ıs. Only the least trace remains, though, of a third neighborhood that rivaled
the Highlands for desirable house sites during the 1840ıs were subsequently
moved up to the Highlands, one to make way for a school, one for a railroad
right-of-way. Later building in that area located close to the cityıs
transportation center and to some of its most important industries, was more
modest: mostly tenement houses shouldering one another closely to economize
space on their lots.
By 1850 Fall River was an established industrial center along with
Lowell, Lawrence and Springfield. It had grown in a few decades from a tiny
hamlet showing little promise for development into a major center, and its
future growth was assured. No more land was available for new mills on the falls
of the Quequechan, and the expansion that followed changed the contours of the
Late in January, 1854,
a town meeting was held in Fall River ³to see what action, if any, the town will
take in relation to obtaining a city charter². The step was taken later the same
year. New mills started up along the Quequechan, away from the first-developed
falls. The houses of owners and officers steadily climbed the hill while the
tenements and cottages of workers filled block after block in Corky Row, in the
district below Bedford Street, around Ferry Street and Broadway, and in the
Durfee Street district down near the river. By the 1850ıs, Fall Riverıs populace
was distinctly heterogeneous, with the labor force largely drawn from English
and Irish with a few French Canadian immigrants, all of whom preferred to dwell
in communities of their own.
Civil War
Despite the disruption of steady cotton supply, the Civil War advanced Fall
River. Cotton had been purchased in unusual abundance prior to 1861, enabling
the mills to run a pace for some time. And although the Southıs curtailed
purchases of rough cotton goods depressed the production in other New England
mill towns, Fall Riverıs print clothes were less affected. Not only did the city
come through the war years without devastation, but some new mills had actually
started up. The Union Mills opened a new factory during the period; and the
Granite Mill, organized in 1863, began operation in 1865. The next two years
brought anticipated post-war demand, and an unprecedented optimism rose with the
productivity of the mills.
The Era of New Mills
in 1870 a two-year period of high prices and increased demand for print cloths
brought Fall Riverıs manufacturers to a new level of optimism that resulted in a
virtual explosion in growth. During the two years that ended in early spring of
1872, 15 new corporations were formed and 20 new mills built.
Real estate values skyrocketed as the new corporations sought great,
level parcels for mills and mill related housing. No longer did the mills need
to be sited on flowing water. Now that steam was in use, ponds or even wells
could satisfy the demands of industry. Thus the mills of the 1870ıs built on
previously non-industrial sites, altered the shape of Fall River, giving it the
basic structure within which it has developed to the present. The ³era of new
mills² exploited several new sites, laying the foundations of three major new
residential areas now very tightly built: Mechanicsville, Globe Village and the
So much of the present-day physical character of Fall River dates from
the decade of the 1870ıs that some of its essential elements deserve mention.
First is the new, elongated shape of the city itself, thin and linear at the
north end where the hamlet of Steep Brook brackets North Main Street; widening
at the south end where Fall River joins Tiverton at the nether shore of Cook
Pond. From the 1870ıs through the rest of the factory-building years the new
mills multiplied near the old ones, north of the bank of the Taunton, along the
Quequechan River, on the Mount Hope Bay, on Cook Pond and its outlet stream.
From the early days of industrial development into the 20th century, the cityıs
wealthy families built houses on the upper part of the Highlands, Italianate
villas and Mansard-roofed mansions crowding even closer on blocks perhaps
dominated by a single house with a tall, columned portico in the 1850ıs. High
Victorian Gothic and big, turreted Queen Ann houses filled out the pattern,
spilling the elegant Highland District out to Prospect Street with venturesome
examples as far north as President Avenue. Blocks and blocks of tenement houses,
handsome in their large scale, tight groupings, and repeated detail filled acres
in and near Mechanicville in the northwest part of town, Flint Village in the
east, and Globe Village south of Kennedy park. Smaller housing districts
clustered in other areas too. There was a distinct neighborhood, too, in the
American Linen Company Area around William and Bay Streets, where the factory
built some tenement blocks for workersı housing.
It is tempting, if not completely valid, to reduce Fall Riverıs urban
development into a simple formula based primarily on the mills: the mills, sited
to meet industrial demands, were the firmed structure on which the rest of the
city plan depended. Workers, in self-owned or rented tenements, lived within
walking distance of the mills in neighborhoods whose blocks of space were ever
more economically filled with houses. Manufacturersı families dwelt in spacious
splendor in the Highlands. Banks, insurance companies, and hotels were
concentrated on North Main Street while commercial enterprises tended to locate
on South Main Street. Wharves and coal yards and harbour traffic crowded the
waterfront from Central Street up to Bowenville. Cemeteries (except for the
ancient North Burial Ground and Oak Grove laid out in 1855) were on the fringes
of town.
By 1875, the blueprint for development was complete. Later population growth and
industrial expansion increased the size of the city, but new buildings
essentially continued the pattern that had emerged by the 1870ıs.
At the beginning
of the 1880ıs, Fall River and its recent rival New Bedford were the leading
textile-producing centers in the United States; but almost unregarded by their
manufacturers, the post-bellum South had entered the field. The early part of
the decade saw a major ethnic group expand Fall Riverıs work force: the
Portuguese immigrants from the Azorean Islands.
The 1890ıs saw the rise of a number of technological advances in cotton
spinning and weaving, which Fall River accepted reluctantly. By the end of the
decade and the century, the rivalry of the South, especially the mills of South
Carolina, could no longer be ignored. The total value of southern production
exceeded New Englandıs for certain coarser types of goods, and the South was
beginning to show proficiency in the manufacture of print cloths, Fall Riverıs
primary product and the basis of the cityıs prosperity.
The city greeted the turn of the century sobered. The Southıs competition
was admitted: after all, the upstart factories had the advantage of lower labor
costs due to lower wage rates, easier labor laws, less unionization, and the
most of the new southern mills were designed to use the most modern spinning and
weaving machinery.
In 1910 Fall River entered a last-ditch attempt to recapture its
supremacy in the cotton textile field. Eight great new mills were built; factory
after factory began to install automatic looms. Yielding to southern competition
in print cloth production, Fall River manufacturers began to diversify their
Fortunately for Fall River, World War I brought a temporary prosperity,
validating the new expansion and creating a heavy demand for textiles. By 1920
the city, with more than 100 mills and a population at an all-time high around
130,000, was the largest concentrated area of textile manufacture in the world:
it was a gargantuan industrial center too big to sustain itself.
The last-ditch optimism of the 1910ıs produced more mill-related housing
than ever before, most of it the characteristic three-storied, multi-balconied
apartment houses known as triple-deckers. In every residential neighborhood
these handsome, much maligned houses went up to provide enlightened, comfortable
quarters for the workers who poured into the city for jobs in fact, Fall River
is now noted for one of the countryıs richest concentrations of this particular
architectural form, whose examples are believed to constitute a distinct Fall
River type. Unfortunately for the triple-deckers, as for their occupants, the
optimism that produced them was short-lived, and within a few years they had
become the depression-era homes of thousands of disillusioned, unemployed
Fall Riverıs collapse began late in 1920, when print cloth prices
declined sharply after the wartime inflation, In 1924 mills began to close,
plunging the city into a 15 year decline during which 75 percent of its textile
capacity was lost. Bankruptcy humiliated the city in 1927, forcing it under the
control of the State Board of Finance for ten years. Two disastrous fires, one
in 1916 and one in 1928 swept away much of the 19th century business district.
Mill closings marked the downward trend until a kind of stabilization began near
the middle of the 1930ıs.
By 1940 new industry was stirring inside some of the vacated mill
complexes, and a variety of businesses were drawn to Fall River because of its
convenient location between New York and Boston.
Fall River today, is showing a new pride in itself: people are beginning
to value the century-old roots of the place and its appearances, and this proud
new attitude comes not a moment too soon.
Fall River has not lost much of the city pattern, nor many of the structures
that give the place its special character and distinction. It still boasts a
length of the central spine of granite mills standing noble on the Quequechan,
and other mills remain in the outlying industrial communities. the Highlands
still slopes westward to the Taunton, its streets a catalogue of Greek revival,
Italianate, Second Empire, and the Late Victorian architecture styles. In Corky
Row still stands hundreds of foursquare houses with pitched and mansard roofs,
cornice brackets, and spindle trimmed porches. Mechanicville can still be
distinguished by its tall tenement houses cleverly placed to maximize their
building lots - the great brick bulk of the north end factories visible from
main streets. Globe Village is still distinct; and some row houses once
belonging to American Linen but long private ownership stand on Broadway near
Ferry Street. Flint Village (still ³The Flint² to knowing residents) retains a
special character enhanced by its hilltop church and narrow streets. An unusual
mix of Victorian Mansions, plain and elegant tenements, and neat cottages
characterizes a small-wedged shape area west of North Main Street around Durfee
Street-a sweeping view of the bay and river makes this an appealing
Neighborhood. Two tiny waterfronts streets of the old wharf-related Bowenville
remain; there is mill housing in the vicinity of Ruggles Park, on Robeson Street
and nearby on Tremont and Orange Streets. The catalogue of neighborhoods that
survive with their historic character intact could go on, for nearly every part
of Fall River has kept something of the past. The survival of the cutyıs
³personality² to the extent that Fall Riverıs has survived, is rare, valuable -
and fragile.
Not many years ago, a system of superhighways ³improved² traffic
circulation around Fall River so dramatically that it is now possible to pass
through the center of town without knowing the place is there. The new roadways
squeeze the city painfully on east and west, and bisect it in the middle with a
barrier that ironically follows the bed of the Quequechan. Too much of Fall
River was sacrificed to the highway: several mills, part of Mechanicville, and
worst of all, easy access to the waterfront at some of its most tempting points.
As this survey began the Hotel Mellon on North Main Street disappeared
into its own cellar hole under the wreckerıs ball. And in 1962 the 1845 town
hall and market - building that was esteemed enough to merit at least two
renovations to keep it up to date-was torn down. An extraordinarily handsome
Romanesque Revival-style post office, one of the cityıs truly outstanding
buildings, was traded in for the depression-era one now in use. A railroad
station of similar beauty is today marked only by a weedy vacant lot .
Even now a turn-of-the-century overlook structure in Kennedy Park, its
prototype specified in the original 1870ıs Vaux & Olmsted plans, stands badly
damaged by fire. Its probable collapse or demolition will be a loss indeed.
Buildings like the ones we lose today are an irreplaceable resource. Once
theyıre gone we will never get them back. Once theyıre forgotten, a little of
the cityıs heritage is gone, too, and the city becomes a bit less distinct and
valuable a place.