Mary Blake birth April 1846 in Charlestown, MA Almhouse
Blake & Barry Connection
Mary Ann Blake
born on April 24 1846 in the “Charlestown Almshouse”.
Her parents were John
Blake b. abt. 1821 in Ireland and Mary Murphy Blake b. abt. 1828 Ireland.
She married John Leo
Morgan on 15 June 1869
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“Residence” Ireland for both (Place born)
Informant Charleston Almshouse
Almshouses would did not take in able bodied men or
women and provide them with shelter, food and clothing.
I believe that for a few years this Almshouse provided
some local medical assistance through nurses on staff or midwifes and doctors on
call. It was moved and rebuilt in a new location in 1849 and it was
recorded that the new building had a Hospital Ward
Boston Evening Transcript June 11, 1892